Competencies under the Electronic Communications Act
+ -1. To oversee the implementation of Article 216 of ZEKom-2 which provides for the rules on internal procedures in cases of responses to requests from competent authorities to access user's personal databased on sector-specific laws.
2. At least once a year to conduct an inspection supervision over the processing of personal data provided by Article 220 of ZEKom-2 which stipulates the conditions and procedures for disclosure of traffic and location data in cases of protection of an individual’s life and body.
3. To oversee the implementation of Article 223 of ZEKom-2 which provides for the rules on tracing of malicious or nuisance calls, upon the request of the subscriber, and on disclosure of the data, containing the identification of the calling subscriber.
4. To oversee the implementation of Article 225 of ZEKom-1 which provides for the rules on storing of information, or the gaining of access to information already stored, in the terminal equipment of a subscriber or user, with cookies or similar technologies.
Within the sphere supervised, the Information Commissioner decides on minor offences of this Act and regulations thereof, acting as minor offence body, in compliance with the Act governing minor offence procedures (Articles 298 to 303 of ZEKom-2).